The short film, Clarum Somnium , directed by ADL, won the award for Best Cinematography at TietĂȘ International Film Award for the bi-monthly "Silver Anhuma" competition in Sao Paulo, Brazil. T he film was screened online from July 15th to 20th, 2023 and was also nominated with other movies in Best Sound Design and Best Editing categories. It is now a finalist in the Gold Capybara Awards , the annual TIFA Competition. This is the second time ADL won an award in this festival, after The Strange Dreams of Hypnos and Venus , last March for Best Production Design. Festival website : The "T.I.F.A - TietĂȘ International Film Awards" is a Brazilian festival with bimonthly and annual competitions "Silver Anhuma" is the bi-monthly competition, submitted films compete for all possible nominations, those selected can participate in Q&A and choose to attend the online screening, films ar...
French Independent Film Production